What is Aina Loyalty?
Aina Loyalty is a free, rewards program built to benefit our most loyal customers and local Hawaii Businesses. After joining, you will earn points with every purchase you make within the Aina Loyalty community composed of Hawaii businesses. Help us build a strong community and earn points faster by shopping at more than one Aina Loyalty merchant. As a valued Aina Loyalty member, you will also receive exclusive rewards on your birthday and access to special promotions (feel free to opt-in/out anytime and choose the frequency)!

How do I join?
Click here to become part of our ohana.

How do I earn points and rewards?
Earn points with every purchase you make within the Aina Loyalty community.
For additional details, click here.

What stores are part of the Aina Loyalty community?
Click here to view the list of local Aina Loyalty businesses you can shop at to earn points and rewards.